What is the Ball Tang?
The Ball Tang, which is known to the Chinese as a "dong quan," is an early style of bowling that had its origins in ancient China and India. It is the oldest form of bowling that we have today, and many of its principles have been adopted into modern day bowling. Unlike the traditional bowling setup of a square, square bowling alley, the Ball Tang set up has four balls (or four bowls), four pins, two paddles, and two spares. This is very different from traditional bowling setups where the bowlers usually use only one or two balls, one paddle, and one spares. Chick here for more details about bola tangkas To start with, the bowls are placed on their sides, but they should not be so close to each other that it will hinder the bowlers's arms, hands, or shoulders. To prevent the balls from rolling off the bowl, the bowls are put down before the actual bowling starts, and the balls are placed inside of a small hole in the center of the bowl. The holes are made in such a way th...