Spells for Revenge - Using Spells For Revenge

If you are looking for a good way to get back at someone who has hurt you in some way, a good place to start is by using spells for revenge. When a person commits a crime, whether it is murder or stealing, they are usually punished by having to go to jail for their crime. If you really want to have that revenge, you may be able to do it with a spell for revenge. Here are some of the most popular ones:

* Curse them out of a hat: This one is very popular because it can be done during any time of the day, especially during the night. You simply put on a white hat and take a piece of paper and write "Curse out of a hat" on it. Once the hat is on, it can keep on casting spells on the person. You will not only have someone to curse, but you will have something to curse them with as well.

* Curse them out of a mirror: When someone is doing something wrong, they often hide the fact that they are doing it by using a mirror. This is what the spell for revenge for this is about. You can use a mirror and curse the person with a curse that is hidden inside the mirror. When they look into the mirror, they will see a small version of themselves and that will cause them to feel bad.

* Hex them out of a book: This spell is also very popular because it can be done anywhere, even when you are not in front of a mirror. All you have to do is get a book of magic and put it in front of the person who has hurt you. When the person reads the book, they will see a hex that you wrote in the book.

* Hex them out of the sun: If you have a mirror, you can also hex someone with a spell that is cast from the sun. All you need to do is write a spell on a piece of paper, which will be placed into a mirror. The sun will then reflect off of the spell and it will turn someone's skin to a very pale color, which will make them look very pale.

These are just a few of the many spells for revenge spells that are available. There are many others as well, but these are probably the most common ones for revenge spells that can be used.


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