Knight Endurance Guide for Rift - How to Be a Warrior Without Being a Fighter

If you are looking to build a tank that deals a good amount of damage, but you don't want to rely on gear or passives, you should consider the talent tree for the Knight Endurance spec. Because this spec relies on high stamina numbers and a combination of abilities to survive combat, it has excellent tanking capabilities and great mobility. This is the tanking spec for those who like to play with a group and go out into the world as a group. With great threat control ability to mitigate damage, it can be a good tank for the raid. If you are looking for a tank that can handle large amounts of damage, while providing outstanding support, then the Knight Endurance spec is the one you want to take.

Talent points are split up between Spirit and Precision for this tanking spec. Talent choices will provide you with access to both Spirit and Precision, as well as increasing your overall stamina. The increase in stamina is going to allow you to heal more, absorb more damage, and make more outgoing attacks that will cut down on the number of ticks you need to drain each time you enter combat. For tanking in Mythic+ difficulty tier this ability is incredibly important, as many monsters deal extremely high burst damage and will quickly put you on an emergency heal if you aren't careful.

Every point spent in Knight Endurance increases your Dodge and threat generation. In addition, every point also increases your parry and armor rating. This ability also makes you better able to survive small punctures that will occur during a fight. By making sure you always have a stack of data available, as well as a lot of defense, your survivability will be very high.

Blood is a popular choice for this tanking spec. Red is the color that provides the most overall damage taken with moderate armor penetration. Green gives the most health but it has the lowest armor. Blue gives the least amount of absorption but the greatest overall defense. These traits work well with the idea that you want all of the defensive capabilities and healing being done through blood. Click here for more details about 持久液官網

Every time you generate a hit against a monster with this ability, you get a stack of bonus attack power. This stacks up and works best when hitting multiple targets at once. The damage does not scale with the number of hits; it only scales with the number of unique hits that you have. For example, a Knight who has Blood Fury dealing them will do significantly more damage the longer that they are in your range.

When playing a Knight, you need to keep some resources available to repair yourself after taking some damage. There are several different sources of "healing" within the game that will replenish your health and stamina. You should use all of these available resources after battle. Knight endurance spec is excellent when played intelligently. With the proper gear and abilities it can easily handle any situation that you may find yourself in. In fact, this build is so powerful that it can be played as a primary class in Rift or the other games without any additional roles or concerns.


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